An Insight into the Accomplishments and Awards Won by Damon Ranger

When it comes to the lifestyle of a full-time musician, you will have to agree with the fact that his daily schedule is ever changing and overwhelming, that can never be tamed. Playing music is one of the things that the musicians consider the easiest. Apart from this, they have to write for their albums finishing the partial songs, refining the existing songs and getting comfortable with performing tunes that are fresh. 

One such musician, Damon Ranger, who has paved his way through a lot of hard work to emerge as a successful artist as well as a well-known television personality. Born and raised in Waukegan, Damon is currently a member of the rock band Black box. Additionally, he also works as an entertainment reporter for CBS and WBBM. 

Pertaining to his accomplishments, Damon Ranger holds a great record in his kitty. He managed to attain success at the age of 36 and earned good wealth. 

  • He has co-written various songs with artists such as WAR, Dee Snider, Kayne West, Rhymefest, and more.
  • At the age of 19, he started his professional career as a sound engineer for the album titled “The Muchacha” by the band The Dorks.
  • In 2014, Damon worked as a composer for War’s Album Evolutionary.
  • Thereafter, he worked with Dee Snider as a producer, composer, engineer and vocalist for the album “We Are the Ones”.
Regarding the awards won by him, Damon Ranger won -

  • A News and Documentary Emmy Award for Outstanding Regional News Story-Spot News for his work in CBS
  • He has been awarded with the Outstanding Achievement for Individual Excellence Off Camera: Videography – News for his work in WBBM
  • He has been honored with an award of Outstanding Achievement within a Regularly Scheduled News Program – Spot Coverage & Breaking News


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